The shorter days are a definite proof that winter is on its way. In our modern society winter has become synonym to colds and flu. Now is the time to tweak your lifestyle to support your immune system and improve your chances of dodging the usual seasonal illnesses.

The key is to make small changes that will positively influence our immune system and aid our soldiers to fight against invaders.

Stress, I know, we all live with it. Short term stress is beneficial for the immune system, but prolonged stress suppresses the immune system.

 Sleep deprivation weakens the immune system because Natural Killer Cells (NKC) are only formed when we sleep. It has been proven that 24 hours of sleep deprivation reduces your NKC (soldiers) by 37%. Fortunately, a good nights rest can reverse the situation.

Sunshine is responsible for the production of Vitamin D3, a powerful immune modulator. Vitamin D3 impacts 2000 of your 6000 genomes (group of genes) in your body.

Alcohol directly suppresses various immune responses. Consuming one glass will not have a negative effect however three or more drinks have been proven to cause damage to the immune system and to alter immune cells.

Moderate exercise boosts the action of NKC and other immune responses as well as the movement of the lymph in your body. The lymphatic system filters and traps invaders but it needs muscular activity to propel the lymph. Moderate exercise has been proven to reduce colds by 25% but long-term strenuous exercise causes stress on the immune system.

Sugar is an immuno-suppressant. The effect of sugar on the immune system starts within 30 min after ingesting and lasts for 5 hours. 100G of sugar can reduce the ability of your white blood cells to kill invaders by 40%.

 A high intake of bad fats; hydrogenated fats and omega 6 oils, depresses the NKC that are responsible to destroy cancer cells before they can grow and spread.

Fresh fruit and vegetables contain a wide variety of phytonutrients, which support and strengthen your immune system.  

 Vitamin C is anti-viral and anti-bacterial thus it prevents a bacterial sub-infection during a cold. It plays a vital role in the production and response of immune cells and inhibits the spread of viruses through the body.

Vitamin A or carotenoids is responsible for the growth of the thymus gland, the organ where NKC are produced, matured and trained.

Vitamin E protects damage to the fat components of all the cell membranes in your body. It may reverse decline in immune response that comes with aging.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to increase NKC (soldiers) in the presence of invaders. Selenium is the glasses that immune cells need to recognize invaders.

Zinc is essential for the production and activation of many different soldiers as well as the synthesis of enzymes that are used a weapon to attack invaders.

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